Announcements and Articles

Volunteer with Catholic Charities during Lent

You can choose from a number of volunteer activities such as serving food to the homeless, distributing food to seniors, or reading to children. Contact Clint Womack, Volunteer Manager, at 415-972-1297 to sign up and reserve a spot or send email to...

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Lenten Renewal: The Joy of Prayer, Day of Recollection

Come join the Santa Clara OCDS Community and the Discalced Camelite Nuns on Saturday, March 7 at the Santa Clara Carmel of the Infant Jesus, 1000 Lincoln Street, Santa Clara, CA 95050. It will be a time to learn more about Carmelite Spirituality--especially for those...

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Sunday Mass

Saturday 5:00 PM (Vigil English)

Sunday 8:00 AM (Portuguese)

Sunday 10:00 AM (English)

Sunday 12:00 PM (Arabic)

Sunday 8:00 PM (English)

First Sunday 5:00 PM (Tagalog)

Daily Mass

Weekdays except Friday 8:00 AM
Fridays 8:30AM

First Saturday 10:00 AM (Burmese)

First Fridays

8:00 AM Mass

7:00 PM Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary

8:00 PM Healing Mass

9:00 PM – 12:00 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Silent Adoration

Holy Days of Obligation

8:30 AM

8:00 PM



Saturday and Sunday

30 Minutes before all English Masses

Parish Information

1300 Junipero Serra Boulevard at Brotherhood and Thomas More Ways

Tel: (415) 452-9634 Fax: (415) 452-9653


Parish office hours: Daily except Wednesdays  9:00 AM-3:30 PM (closed 12:30-1:00)

Wednesday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Office is closed Saturday and Sunday
