Holy Week Mass Schedule
Novena to St. Thomas More
All are invited to the Vespers Novena leading to the feast day of our patron St. Thomas More. As we commemorate his life and martyrdom, we can look at his virtue and courage for inspiration as we face the challenges of daily life and when faced with...
Holy Week Schedule of Services
Palm Sunday5pm Saturday Vigil - English 8am Brazilian 10am English Noon Arabic 8pm EnglishHoly Thursday 7pm EnglishGood Friday 2pm Outdoor Stations of the Cross 3pm Good Friday Services...
Ash Wednesday
Mass and Distribution of Ashes 8:30 AM and 8:00 PM
The Synod Surveys are now open
The Pope Wants to Hear from Us! To participate, please follow this link to access the survey for St. Thomas More Parish: DMI Survey Paper surveys in English, Burmese and Portuguese are also available at our parish church or office. More information about...
Preparing Adults for the Sacraments
Sign up for adult (18+ years old) Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion preparation
Children Preparation for the Sacraments
Sign up this Saturday, August 24th for First Holy Communion and teen Confirmation preparation
Message from Fr. Rick – July 16, 2021
Dear Friends at St. Thomas More, We have all recognized the ways that Covid-19 changed our lives over the past 16 months. The aspects of our parish life are no exception. Now that there are growing signs of a safer environment, we are all challenged to pray, plan, and...
****Mass Update starting Saturday, July 17, 2021***
Saturday, Vigil Mass - 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am - Portuguese 10:00 am - English 12:00 pm - Arabic 8:00 pm - English
Resuming the Celebration of Baptism
General Parish Protocols St. Thomas More parish abides with the following archdiocesan and county health directives: Mandatory use of face masks or cloth face coverings for everyone inside the church Families are required to sanitize their hands before entering the...